Saturday, March 7, 2009

A discussion with Geddy Lee about "Retrospective 3"

Rush fans out there are probably aware that Retrospective 3, the band's Atlantic era compilation, came out earlier this week.

The tracks on the CD; ranging from 1989's Presto to the latest studio offering, 2007's Snakes & Arrows, are shuffled and intended to play as its own CD. For that, I give it high marks. Those who pick up the double disc set with the DVD, however, are in for a real treat.

On the DVD, you get all their Atlantic-era videos, some of which are dated and others that are nothing too spectacular...however, DON'T MISS the video of "Malignant Narcissism," a TOTAL mind bender. There's also clips of the band on The Colbert Report, where the host interviews all three members of Rush with amusing questions, and they perform "Tom Sawyer" on the show (but not free of the host's musings, of course).

Here's an interesting interview with Geddy Lee on Jim Ladd's show (scroll down a bit) discussing Retrospective's pretty funny and has all sorts of anecdotes and new information...and you might, uh, learn something about Margaret Cho you never wanted to know.

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